Consultants in naval architecture, marine and mechanical engineering.


Consultants in naval architecture, marine and mechanical engineering.

About us

About us

Experts in complex

& innovative works

We provide a full range of consultancy services to ship ownwers, insurance companies, ship builders, government authorities and to the legal profession.

Years of experience around the world make us different.

our services

We create novel designs 


From concept design until certification & acceptance, including: technical specifications, shop drawings, detail engineering, bidding preparations & evaluations, supervision & direction of works.

Technical Investigations

Our expertise led us to be recognized in legal technical investigations, evaluation studies, and in strength & stability calculations.

Marine Surveys

Our surveys are internationally recognized in the shipping market, providing a high standard of objectivity & professionalism.


Professionalism & Experience

The experience and knowledge of our professionals is our main resource. We also recognize that best results are achieved by cooperating closely with our clients and partners, covering the entire client’s needs and expectations.

Our Works

Building Solutions

We have been part of numerous marine and port infrastructure projects in different stages: feasibility, concept design, design development, bidding documentation and construction documents.

Our clients comprise, among others, Vessels’ Owners, Constructors, Shipyards, Consultants and Port Terminals.

We work around the world

We work around the world

Some of Our Clients

Technical Update

L.N.G. In Marine Propulsion

This paper reviews the reasons why the LNG is becoming the new fuel in marine propulsion, it illustrates how the LNG is employed on board and it analyzes how its use in the Hidrovía Paraguay Paraná region shall be implemented.

The experience can be very well extrapolated to other similar environments.

The first titles introduce certain specificity of the marine sector, for those not familiar with them.

A proposal of a Master Plan and the adoption of a regulation frame are introduced.

Finally, there is a guidance for the design of a prototype and an evaluation of the need for such a course of action.

Conclusions point out the opportunities derived from LNG in innovating with equipment and conducts that remain anchored in the past due to lack of adequate policies. It is up to us to respond fearfully, or in use of the requirement with a minimal reaction, or in use of our best capabilities, to take the opportunity to move towards the state of the art of this technological era.

We'll get in touch!

Connect with us. If you’re considering Consulmar or just want more information, simply fill out the form and we’ll be in touch
+54 (11) 5199-3488
Av. Callao 1441 1D
C 1024 AAA Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA

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